Friday, November 18, 2011

Set Servlet Execution URI

I am working on NB 6.9.1 IDE. Servlet works fine just simply by doing the creation using the wizard. One thing draws my attention, why is it always important to select the execution uri attribute when the servlet is recompiled ? I tried to set the attribute in both ways,
i)  from the beginning when the servlet is created using the wizard i inserted the servlet mapping attributes
ii) i manipulated the attributes value in inside the servlet code,
but in both case when the servlet is recompiled it displays a pop up window that required the uri info.

It need to be fixed.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

NeatBeans 6.9.1 and apache-tomcat 7

I am working on the neatbeans IDE and the apache-tomcat webserver, however i am tired of opening and closing the web server now and then. I need help to get out of this loop, if possible, by manipulating the configuration setting.

Thanks in advance.